


Domain is the name and address of the website in the most general terms. Users recognize the website by this domain name. The selected domain name; If you think of “domain”, the domain is also addresses that point to the website, such as “” or “”. This is the new registered domain name.


It is not possible for different websites to use the same domain name. We can think of it as people’s fingerprints. These domain names provide a link to the website with complex codes using the IP address. Since these IP numbers are long, it is also difficult for individuals to remember these numbers. You are at the right address for expired domain list.


If the concept of domain did not exist, people would have to write the IP number of the website in the address line to connect to a website. For this reason, the concept of domain has been developed and complexity has been removed. The domain you enter in the address line is converted to an IP address via DNS and a connection to the website is made in a short time.

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