Year: 2024
Climate Change Added a Month’s Worth of Extra-Hot Days in Past Year
Since last May, the average person experienced 26 more days of abnormal warmth than they would have without global warming,…
No, Americans Are Not Completely Stupid About Inflation
Stefanie Stantcheva was 11 years old in 1997 when annual inflation in Bulgaria, the country from which she and her…
Cyclone Remal Tears Through India and Bangladesh, Killing at Least 23
The storm, the first of the season, hit the South Asian countries after weeks of intense heat. Millions were left…
Did You Recently Choose Between Renting and Buying? We Want to Hear About It.
The New York Times is telling the stories of people who made this difficult choice. Maybe we can tell yours.
South Africa Is Becoming Something New, and It’s Not Good
The ceremony went virtually unnoticed. On an overcast April day in South Africa’s administrative capital, Pretoria, President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered…
How the Tree Lobster Escaped Extinction
The feisty Lord Howe Island stick insect crawling on the gloved hand of Kyle Kassel, a keeper at the San…
Business-First Hong Kong Now Comes With a Catch: Beijing Politics
The city, promised some autonomy by China, is trying to move on from a security law imposed by Beijing. Companies…
Leaflet by Leaflet, a Few Aging Activists Fight India’s Tide of Bigotry
As politicians stoke religious hatred online, these veterans of social causes deliver their messages in person: “Talk to each other.…
South Africa’s Young Democracy Leaves Its Young Voters Disillusioned
At the dawn of South Africa’s democracy after the fall of the racist apartheid government, millions lined up before sunrise…
Tuesday Briefing
We’re covering Israel’s offensive in Rafah and the death toll from the Papua New Guinea landslide.