Math Is the Answer to More Than One Question
I am surprised at this late stage, in my 70s, to be thinking about God. In my defense, I might…
This Is Why Jesus Wept
Of all the qualities that the New Testament ascribes to God, compassion is among the most shocking. Compassion has nothing…
What Can Literature Teach Us About Forgiveness?
“How I’m gon keep from killing him,” says Celie, the protagonist of Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning 1982 novel “The Color…
Can Art Ever Be Innocent?
A riveting show at the Metropolitan Museum surveys the complicated art of the ancient Maya, in which beauty and brutality…
Having a Hard Christmas? Jesus Did Too
Among my most treasured memories is one Christmas Day when I was around 6 or 7 years old. Christmases in…
Why Jesus Loved Friendship
The enduring significance of Christmas is that it represents perhaps the most distinctive feature of the Christian faith — the…